Monday, February 9, 2009

my date with a hitman...

So I must say I had a rare occurrence on Sunday and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I'm not sure what to make of it all but it makes a somewhat entertaining story. I guess it all starts a week or so back. I had been at an after-party in a small club/bar called Le Royale After cracking a few jokes with the coat check guy, I realized the two bouncers were staring at my friends and me. We smiled and said hello and one grabbed my arm and told me he "hadddd to meet me." He handed me his card and informed me he was a promoter at that club as well as a popular spot in the meat packing district, Pink Elephant.

It's always nice to have a contact like this if you like going out to night clubs because all you have to do is show up and you are taken care of. And as I've said before, the recession is NOT helping my pockets. You typically have to text them earlier that day and they will tell you what time to show up - then from there you skip the wait in the line, skip the cover pay or bottle service charges, get to sit at a nice table/booth, get to meet some sometimes fabulous people and you drink for free. I really can't say i mind any of those things when I go out.

So Saturday night rolls around and I decided to use the card. The promoter informed me that he wasn't working that night but was hosting a party at his loft with a guest list of 200+ people. I figured it never hurts to make a few new friends so my room mate, Liz, and I hopped on the subway to check it out. Sure enough, outside of the loft alone were about 15 young, well dressed under 25ers either hailing cabs or who had stepped out of the party for a smoke. Once we got INTO the party we were amazed by how many people were there! It was an open bar, dance floor, dj, black tie event. Needless to say we started mingling. That night we talked to many people but I do remember one guy introducing himself to me near the DJ's table. We were interrupted when a friend of his grabbed his hand to start dancing with him. It didn't faze me as rude but he made it a point later in the night to come over an apologize for leaving so abruptly and asked for my number. I typically don't give it out but for some reason I felt he was a nice guy. He had mentioned he would love to get brunch Sunday and I said yes - really expecting it to fall through or not go.

Sunday rolls around and for whatever reason, I decide to met him for brunch. We do the whole reintroduction of ourselves. He is 24. Originally from South America. Moved to NY when he was young. An only child. He went to an all boys private school on the upper west side for high school and then attended Harvard to study economics. But when I asked him what he did now, he looked at me dead in the eye and said, "I kill people."

I laughed, and said - so what do you really do?
He continued looking me in the eye and said, "I like to be upfront with girls about this, and I don't want to go much into it, but that is what I do. It's a family business, and you can't leave that kind of family business." I laughed again but this time awkwardly, dropping the subject because I figured what he really did would eventually come out. The rest of brunch was filled with great conversation. He seemed to be a real gentlemen. He had great manners, was well spoken and traveled, cultured and interested in art and music. But whenever work would come up, he either wouldn't talk about it or continue this story of "that is what I do, it's a family thing." He mentioned it was his dad's side of the family and that his father didn't live with his Mother anymore.
Roosevelt Island (to the left Manhattan, to the right Brooklyn/Queens)
After brunch he asked if I had been to Roosevelt Island before and I said no. So he showed me the island for a few hours and his apartment he had there. It was an incredible apartment. Floor to ceiling windows everywhere. After that, I went home. I never felt unsafe or threatened. Before I left I asked what he was doing the rest of the day and he said maybe playing ball in the park, and that he 'didn't have to work,' "thank god."

So what happened? Did I go out to brunch with a hitman? Could this be for real? I don't know. He either is lying. Or he isn't. But either either okay? And if it is true, can you be a good person in all aspects of your life, except for that?

could only happen in NYC.
best, Shana B.


  1. nothing good can come out of this... trust.

  2. wow, what?! I can't believe that happened. I'd say either way- he's a no go. Cos he either really does do it (which is messed up) or he was kidding... and if he goes out on dates with girls and makes stuff up for the fun of it, he's super weird anyway.

    But then again, I guess he'd be a better bf than Chris Brown ... tear :`(

  3. oh shana, you crazy bastard.

    i'm a fan of this blog though - didn't realize you were a summer heights high alum
